As a financial advisor and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, I provide a holistic approach to managing your wealth. My commitment to you is to address every area of financial planning, including taxes, estate planning, education, retirement planning, insurance, and investments. Your wealth management should not cause you stress. Let your financial plan provide a new beginning.

Worth Asset Management

What We Do
For You

What does a holistic financial planning strategy look like? It’s a 360-degree view of your wealth management. As a one of the best financial advisors in Texas, I provide 7 areas of retirement planning and wealth management for retirees and pre-retirees to give equal weight to every area of your life and finances.

Worth Asset Management
Worth Asset Management
  • Will a significant market decline change my retirement lifestyle?
  • What do I do when the stock market starts going down?
  • What do I do when the stock market rebounds?
  • Can I retire? How do I prepare?
  • When should I start collecting Social Security?
  • How does Medicare work?
  • Will my taxes change in retirement?
  • What can I do now to be better prepared for retirement?
  • How can I make sure some of my assets go to a specific charity?
  • Should I add a joint owner to any of my asset accounts?
  • Do I have enough life insurance?
  • When should I look into long-term care insurance?
  • When can I apply for Medicare?
  • Should I make changes to my will or other documents?
  • Are there any tax considerations I should be aware of?
  • Do I have too much debt this close to retirement?
  • How can I make sure my income will be sustainable?

Who We Serve

Your family means the world to you. You are nearing or in retirement. You want a Dallas financial planner whose primary focus is retirement planning and wealth management for retirees and pre-retirees—and you want to be hands-on with your financial plan.

As you approach retirement, or even in the midst of retirement, you are going to have questions. Let’s find strategies and solutions so you can begin your retirement journey with a clear financial plan in place.

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As a financial advisor and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, I work with retirees and pre-retirees to create a retirement plan built around you. Together we will address retirement planning, wealth management, tax planning, risk-loss planning, and provide a complete financial picture that suits your retirement lifestyle.

We do this in four steps:

Frequently Asked Questions

A financial advisor is someone who helps you plan your money, whether that’s investing or saving for retirement. They use their expertise to help you make the most of your money and avoid pitfalls that could cost you in the long run.

You should always check references when hiring a financial advisor. Ask people you trust about their experiences with various advisors, and look for patterns in their responses: How long did they work together? How often did they meet? What were their goals? Were they on track to achieve them? Did they feel supported and listened to? What kind of advice was provided during each meeting?

Make sure an advisor has experience working with people similar to you in terms of age and income level. For example, if you’re just starting out as an adult, an older advisor may not be able to relate well to your needs—and vice versa!

A financial planner helps you develop a plan to reach your financial goals, while a financial advisor helps you with the day-to-day needs of managing your money. A planner is typically more in-depth and focused on your long-term goals, while an advisor can handle more immediate concerns, such as how to invest in stocks or what type of insurance you need.

You want to find an advisor who’s going to be able to help you achieve your goals and who you’re comfortable working with—someone who you trust and who will take the time to get to know you and your family well. You should also look for someone who has experience in the specific areas of life that matter most to you: retirement, education funding, investments, insurance coverage, etc.